The attraction of art In this land of generous vines, where winemaking is an art handed down over the centuries, traditions are the result of past inspiration, to be preserved - not abandoned - and commemorated in the perfect rooms to celebrate their soul and functionality: the old cellars. It is a short step from tradition to culture: the fruit of tradition is innovation, and that of culture is art, and both should be savoured with the same enthusiasm. The old cellars of Camigliano have been made into a tasting room which highlights the link between a winemaking tradition that today has become art, and other expressions of creativity. These may serve a historical purpose, like the collection of old tools used in centuries past in these underground rooms, or simply be designed for pleasure, like the exhibitions held continually by contemporary artists, forming a backdrop for the guided tastings of the winery's products and as a complement to the various in-depth explorations of up-to-date winemaking topics held here in Camigliano, in these rooms, throughout the year.